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Healthy State tells the stories you need to know to stay well, with a special focus on Florida.We'll bring you the latest fitness trends, new research on preventing and treating disease, and information about how health policy impacts your pocketbook.We report on health using all the tools at our disposal -- video, audio, photos and text -- to bring these stories to life.Healthy State is a project of WUSF Public Media in Tampa and is heard on public radio stations throughout Florida. It also is available online at wusfnews.org.

Many Still Don't Know About Marketplace

Lottie Watts/WUSF

Starting Oct. 1, millions of uninsured people around the country are going to have a new place to shop for health insurance, but many still don’t know about this provision of the Affordable Care Act. 

Maggie Banta said she plans to visit HealthCare.gov to research different health insurance plans that she will be able to buy on the new Marketplace.
Maggie Banta said she plans to visit HealthCare.gov to research different health insurance plans that she will be able to buy on the new Marketplace.

Take Maggie Banta, a St. Petersburg woman who works a part-time job that doesn’t offer insurance. She is likely to find affordable coverage on the Marketplace, but she said she didn’t even know that was an option.

Joe Gregor, the vice president of consumer and exchange markets for Florida Blue, an insurer that will be selling health plans on Florida's Marketplace, said that’s very common.

"Overwhelming, across the state and across income levels, people are under-informed about what's coming in 2014,” Gregor said. 

Banta knows how important health insurance is, and just how pricey things can get without it. She had to have emergency surgery in June after complications that resulted from Lap-Band weight loss surgery she had a few years ago. She is paying $10 a month to chip away at a $31,000 hospital bill. 

"I laughed when I opened the bill. I was like, seriously?” Banta said. “I just called them and said, 'I don't know what you want me to do with this, but there's no way.' That’s like three year's salary for me."

Banta and her husband used to have health insurance through their employers, but they both lost their jobs during the recession. 

"A few years ago, when we did have insurance I wound up having to have some emergency surgery, and the bill for that, thank god I had insurance, because that bill was $75,000,” Banta said.  “And when I broke my leg, I had insurance; that was $106,000."

They paid about $900 a month for COBRA to keep their employer coverage after she lost her job. She said they quit paying that because they didn’t use that much health care each month. She started paying the doctor cash when she needed to go. 

Banta works about 29 hours a week for Hilton Hotels and makes about $1,000 a month. They don't offer health insurance to part-timers. Recently, she found out she could get care through Community Health Pinellas. It's a not-for-profit that provides primary care services at prices Banta said she can afford.

"The day I went, normally, it would have been $40 and they were running a special. It was $10, and I got a $5 gift card to Target,” Banta said. “I'm like, 'I just got a Pap smear for $5 bucks!' Something that cost me $275 somewhere else, I got for $5."

Come Oct. 1, Banta will have options beyond special discounts because she can shop on the new online health insurance Marketplaces. They’re designed so people can shop for plans at different prices. Banta said she had never heard of his option, but plans to go to HealthCare.gov and research her options.

The plans that will be for sale on the Marketplace will offer coverage starting as soon as Jan. 1. Consumers can choose from different plans: bronze, silver, gold and platinum. Gregor said the big difference is in monthly premiums and out-of-pocket costs.

"Now, depending on what those claims are about, that could be a fairly sizeable amount of money compared to, for example, a platinum plan, which for the same covered benefits would pay 90 percent of the claims instead of 60 percent of the claims,” Gregor said. “You'd expect the premium to be higher on the platinum plan because the out-of-pocket risk to the member is lower on the platinum plan than it is on the bronze plan." 

Federal health officialsestimate the average cost of a silver plan on Florida's Marketplace will be $328 a month. That estimate doesn't include tax credits that will be available to some individuals depending on their income.

Banta and her husband, who is self-employed as a cab driver, make about $30,000 a year. According to a premium subsidy calculator from the Kaiser Family Foundation, she should be eligible for tax credits that would bring the cost of health insurance down to about $150 a month.

"You know, I have to think about my bottom line,” Banta said. “I have to think about what's best for my wallet. And my health."

--Health News Florida is part of WUSF Public Media. Contact Lottie Watts at 813-974-8705 (desk) or e-mail at lottiewatts@wusf.org. For more health news, visit HealthNewsFlorida.org. 

Copyright 2013 WUSF Public Media - WUSF 89.7

Lottie Watts was our Florida Matters producer from 2012 to 2016. She also covers health and health policy for WUSF's Health News Florida .
Lottie Watts
Lottie Watts covers health and health policy for Health News Florida, now a part of WUSF Public Media. She also produces Florida Matters, WUSF's weekly public affairs show.
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