Former Governor Jeb Bush retuned to Tallahassee Monday, claiming bragging rights as a reformer and promising to bring the same skills to “Mount Washington.” Bush echoed familiar Republican themes, calling for smaller government, a balanced budget amendment and line-item veto power.

In a packed Florida State University conference center, Bush reveled in the “Veto Corleone” moniker he earned after axing 2,500 spending items totaling 2 billion dollars during his two terms.
“Overspending is one of those problems where the president has to assert a national interest, even if no one else will. The power to veto irresponsible spending is part of that duty, and I know how to use it, trust me.”
Bush also defended his record, saying he reformed a voting system that became a national joke after the 2000 presidential recount, and a child welfare agency that allowed instances of horrific abuse.
“I have not so fond memories, but I certainly have memories during my time in government here when it wasn’t perfect. But that’s part of being a leader. To accept responsibilities when things go wrong.”
Bush’s main target was the Obama Administration. He promised to kill the American Healthcare Act and reminded supporters of the furor over a Chinese hacking attack into government personnel records.
“And today we now know that 22 million people were effected and that the information taken includes intrusive questionnaire used to vet people for security purposes.”
Bush’s themes were nearly identical to the ones he trumpeted in his first Florida race for governor in 1994, except translated to a national scale. Bush +narrowly lost to Democratic Governor Lawton Chiles.
“I have no illusions about what reform really takes. The next president of the United States has got to confront the spending culture in Washington, and I promise you I will do it.”
A Fox News poll conducted July 17 showed Bush trailing reality TV star and millionaire developer Donald Trump, 14 to 18. Fellow Florida Republican, U.S. Senator Marco Rubio, had 7 percent.
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