While America has experienced a peaceful transition between presidents 44 times, there has never been a president-elect quite like Donald Trump.
For his supporters, including the 4.6 million Floridians who voted for him, Trump represents a change. Not just a change in which political party controls the White House, but a repudiation of decades of the political class on both sides of the aisle.
It’s clear in talking with Trump voters that some of them saw him as a protest vote, others looked at Trump as a re-affirmation of their ideal America: strong, capable,decisive, resolute. They voted to make America great again because they don’t think America is great anymore and they’ve experienced it in stagnant paychecks, higher living expenses, temporary jobs and widening income gaps.
Neither Hillary Clinton nor Trump received half of the votes cast, illustrating just how divided voters are across the country and especially here in Florida. Divided about their leader. Divided on issues like the economy, jobs, trade and taxes.Trump's winning margin in Florida was fewer than 120,000 votes. That’s less than two Hard Rock Stadiums filled to capacity.
We spoke with whites and blacks, men and women, a Hispanic, retiree, a business owner, workers, someone unemployed, someone under-employed and looking for work, Republicans, Democrats and independents. Some voted for Trump. Others supported Clinton.
Here's some of what they said:
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