Catherine Paulitz
WUSF Stephen Noble Digital/Social News internWhen I was 10 years old, my dad and I were waiting to pick up a family member in the airport cellphone lot.
My dad decided to turn on the Catholic radio station — you know, the one where it sounds like angels are singing from on high?
I told him to change the channel, but he just replied, “I’m not doing anything.”
I whipped my head to look at him, annoyed that he was trying to pull a fast one on me, clearly old enough to know the truth from a trick.
I saw the radio screen was black, and tried pressing buttons to turn on the radio, but nothing happened. Then I thought my dad must be pressing the buttons on the wheel, but he put his hands up. No magic there.
As I sat in the car, glorious sounds serenading us from the heavens, I was stunned. I thought I was experiencing a real life miracle.
But no. After a few minutes of discussing my future sainthood, my dad burst out laughing. He was doing it all along, something I still can’t figure out how.
That’s the power of radio.
My first glimpse into what radio could do was through a colossal prank on me.
It flourished into guessing names of artists and songs with my devious dad, and then wondering if I could be that voice for radio listeners countywide.
That inspiration has led me to today, where I am a proud WUSF Stephen Noble Digital/Social News intern.
After three years as a communications major at the University of South Florida Tampa campus, I have made it into the newsroom! I’m excited for what’s to come and what I can share.
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