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Evening Masterworks: Antonin Dvorak's Serenade for Winds in d Op. 44 for Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Antonin Dvorak

Evening Masterworks: Antonin Dvorak's Serenade for Winds in d Op. 44

Antonin Dvorak’s Serenade for Winds was directly inspired by the music of Mozart: on a trip to Vienna in 1878, Dvorak attended a Vienna Philharmonic concert which had programmed Mozart’sSerenade in B-flat for winds, and Dvorak was so excited about the music that upon his return to Prague, he wrote his ownSerenade for Winds in just fourteen days. Dvorak also followed the orchestration Mozart set forth in his piece. It’s our Evening Masterwork tonight at 7 on Classical WSMR 89.1 and 103.9.