Sunset Beach's tradition is the Holiday Stroll. It's a cross between Halloween and Christmas, with a dash of New Year’s Eve thrown in for good measure.
A parade route is designated in the neighborhood. Local residents wear costumes. They even dress their pets in costumes. I am ashamed to say many of the costumes are not exactly what one would call "Christmas sensitive." In fact, many would be more appropriate at the Gasparilla Night Parade.
Residents along the route put out folding tables offering food and drink. Mostly drink. Almost exclusively drink.
At the end of the ramble, the local civic association sells hot dogs and commemorative T-shirts. Shockingly, there is also a full liquor bar. A rock-and-roll band plays in a driveway.
It’s all over by 9 p.m. so that no one incurs one of those expensive noise violation citations.
Sound fun? This year’s Sunset Beach Holiday Stroll is Dec. 23. It starts at 5 p.m. at the Sunset Beach Pavilion.
Feel free to drive out to the beach and join us. Just don’t plan on driving home.
Have you watched or participated in a holiday parade? Tell us about it as part of our Florida Holidays project.