In this installment of StoryCorps Tampa Bay, Marietta Drucker tells her daughter, Debbie, of her escape from the Nazis when they invaded her native Austria. Drucker was just eight years old. Her parents were not able to get out in time but she was, traveling alone on the Kindertransport-- a train carrying children to England.
She came to the StoryCorps booth with her daughter to share the story of her escape and her journey to America. She begins with the day that changed her life.
"Gratitude III" by Accordéon Mélancolique from the album, Gratitude.
"Wiener Blut (Waltz)" by Johann Straus Sohn, performed by Orchestra l'Opera de Vienna.
This week's StoryCorps Tampa Bay was produced by Marc Haze.
StoryCorps Tampa Bay airs every Monday on WUSF 89.7 at 8:44 a.m. during Morning Edition and at 5:44 p.m. during All Things Considered.