Nancy Guan
ReporterAs WUSF's general assignment reporter, I cover a variety of topics across the greater Tampa Bay region.
Though I'm originally a West Coast native, I've settled into the balmy Southeast as my new home.
After graduating from USC in 2020, I moved from Los Angeles to Savannah, Georgia, where I worked as the general assignment reporter for the local paper, the Savannah Morning News.
For two years, I reported on Chatham County’s municipal governments and whatever else came my way. There, I learned the value of public service journalism, civic engagement and building relationships with the local community.
I’m thrilled to be part of WUSF’s team and continue that work in the Gulf Coast.
In my free time, you’ll probably find me on the beach, scouring an antique shop or figuring out how to bike in this city. I’m also on the lookout for a pet cat, so suggestions on where to adopt are welcome.
If you have a story idea, give me a call at 813-974-8620, email me at nguan@wusf.org or find me on Twitter @nancyguann.
The district police chief explained how he had mistakenly applied for a program that aids federal immigration agents. The application is no longer being considered.
La administración de Trump suspendió el Programa de Admisiones de Refugiados en enero, cortando el financiamiento para los grupos que ayudan a las familias refugiadas a establecerse en EE. UU. Ahora, el Departamento de Estado ha cancelado el programa.
The Trump administration suspended the Refugee Admissions Program in January, cutting off funding for groups that help refugee families settle in the U.S. Now, the State Department has terminated the program.
The call comes after the Trump administration removed schools as a protected area from immigration enforcement, and the state said schools "should cooperate."
La exhibición en el Tampa Bay History Center destaca a los inmigrantes españoles que llegaron a EE. UU. a principios del siglo XX.
The exhibit at the Tampa Bay History Center highlights Spanish immigrants who came to the U.S. at the turn of the 20th century.
Los alguaciles de los 67 condados de Florida han anunciado su cooperación con los funcionarios del Servicio de Inmigración y Aduanas (ICE).
Florida sheriffs from all 67 counties in the state have announced cooperation with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials.
Cinco años después del inicio de la pandemia de COVID-19, los estudiantes aún se están recuperando en cuanto al aprendizaje de lectura y matemáticas. Un nuevo informe que combina los puntajes del "Boletín de la Nación" con los resultados de las pruebas estatales nos indica cómo le está yendo a cada distrito y cómo pueden recuperarse.
Five years after the COVID-19 pandemic began, students are still recovering when it comes to learning reading and math. A new report that combines scores from The Nation's Report Cardwith state test results tells us how each district is doing and how they can recover.