Nick Evans
Nick Evans came to Tallahassee to pursue a masters in communications at Florida State University. He graduated in 2014, but not before picking up an internship at WFSU. While he worked on his degree Nick moved from intern, to part-timer, to full-time reporter. Before moving to Tallahassee, Nick lived in and around the San Francisco Bay Area for 15 years. He listens to far too many podcasts and is a die-hard 49ers football fan. When Nick’s not at work he likes to cook, play music and read.
A former Columbus, Ohio, police officer was indicted for killing an unarmed man in December. Adam Coy, who is White, is expected to plead not guilty in the killing of Andre Hill, who was Black.
In December, the Ohio city saw two separate incidents where white law officers shot and killed Black men. The cases are forcing a significant search for answers.
Officials in Columbus, Ohio, fired Adam Coy, the white police officer who shot and killed Andre Hill, a Black man during an early morning service call. Activists want the officer to be indicted.
A Columbus, Ohio, police officer shot and killed a Black man while responding to a call. Responding officers did not have their body cameras turned on in the moments leading up to the shooting.
After record flooding across the Midwest, some farmers are wrestling with whether to plant anything at all this season.
In 2016, members of the Rhoden family were killed in their homes in rural Ohio. This week four members of a different family were charged with aggravated murder.
Florida’s student body has never been more diverse. But the state’s schools are also becoming more segregated. A recent study by the LeRoy Collins...
As the 2018 legislative session gets under way Republicans are forging ahead with a plan to make it harder for future lawmakers to raise taxes. The...
Shortly after lawmakers gavel in the 2018 session they’ll start working on measures in committee. A Senate Criminal Justice panel will take up a raft of...
The Florida House is wasting no time pursuing one of Governor Rick Scott’s session priorities. One committee will take up a tax and fee measure on the...