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Get the latest coverage of the 2022 Florida legislative session in Tallahassee from our coverage partners and WUSF.

The Florida Senate approves new redistricting maps, and now awaits the House versions

Florida district map
The state Senate Committee on Reapportionment approved this district map.

The House will consider its own maps and must come to an agreement with the Senate before they go to Gov. Ron DeSantis.

The Florida Senate passed bills creating a new Florida congressional map and redrawing of state Senate districts with bipartisan support.

Only four Democrats opposed the congressional map the chamber approved Thursday, and three voted against the Senate districts.

The congressional map creates a new 28th district in central Florida that should favor Republicans. But most Democrats supported the plan.

Democratic Sen. Linda Stewart said the process was open and fair.

The state constitution requires that districts be compact, contiguous and drawn without benefitting a political party or candidate.

The House still needs to approve its version of the congressional map, and differences between the plans need to be resolved. It will then go to Gov. Ron DeSantis

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