Here is the transcript of Gov. Ron DeSantis' State of the State address to the joint legislative session in Tallahassee on Tuesday, as provided by DeSantis' press office. Full video is available here.
Mr. Speaker, Mr. President, members of the cabinet and Legislature, and fellow citizens:
Florida leads.
We lead with purpose and conviction.
We lead with determination and strength.
We lead with faith, and we lead with hope.
Anyone can hold the helm while the sea is calm.
Leadership matters when it is hard.
Florida is the leader among the states because we lean into challenges, tackle the big issues, and deliver results for the people we serve.
In these endeavors we are mindful of the adage from an American philosopher:
“If you don’t know where you are going, you might wind up some place else.”
Yogi Berra was right to articulate—as only he could—the need for clear direction.
We are guided in our efforts by a strong commitment to the principles on which our country was founded and that have endured for centuries:
That our rights come from God, not government.
That constitutional limitations on government’s power are essential to preserve liberty.
That ours is a government of laws, not of men.
That government derives its power from the consent of the people.
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The sturdy foundation of American principles is the guide that the free state of Florida must never abandon.
We have stood in the breach and protected our people from noxious ideologies and trendy—but empty—social fads.
We chose freedom over fear; education over indoctrination; law and order over rioting and disorder.
We are proud of our state’s accomplishments while we recognize the work that lies ahead.
Our rudder is set.
Our compass is in hand.
True north is our destination.
We can—and we must—continue to lead.
We are convening for the regular Legislative session having already enacted groundbreaking legislation to fulfill the historic mission of delivering on President Donald Trump’s mandate to end the illegal immigration crisis once and for all.
No state has done more, and no state did it sooner than we did in Florida.
Thanks to the recent legislation, it is now a crime to enter Florida illegally, the days of catch and release are over, and all state and local law enforcement have a duty to assist in interior immigration enforcement efforts.
The voters have spoken—and Florida has responded—we will be part of the solution, not part of the problem.
Joining us today are two great leaders in this effort: Immigration Czar Larry Keefe and Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey.
With leaders like Larry and Wayne, Florida will get the job done.
We are not a sanctuary state; we are a rule of law state!
Florida has also led the way in creating a strong economic environment.
For the past two years, Florida’s economy has ranked #1 in these United States.
We also rank #1 in entrepreneurship, #1 in new business formations, #1 in GDP growth among large states, and have an unemployment rate that is lower than the national average for more than 50 months straight!
We represented the refuge for freedom and sanity during the coronavirus pandemic, not just for the rest of the country but for the entire world.
People moved here. Businesses flocked to our state. And investment in Florida surged.
We continue to set tourism records. 2024 saw more than 142 million visitors to our state.
This includes 3.3 million visitors from Canada. Not much of a boycott.
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Maybe they wanted to get a glimpse of what a Stanley Cup-winning hockey team looks like!
The Legislature has enacted historic reforms that have improved economic conditions and addressed difficult issues like insurance.
Because of these reforms, automobile insurance rates are finally coming down—between 6 and 10.5% average reductions for the three largest companies—even as rates continue to skyrocket nationwide.
And our homeowners’ insurance market is seeing stability:
- 1 new companies have entered the market.
- 130,000 new private policies over the past year.
- In 2024, Florida had the lowest increase in rates of all 50 states.
- 73% of citizens homeowners in Miami-Dade are scheduled to receive a decrease on average of 6.3%.
The fact is that the Legislature has devoted more time and effort to address insurance reforms over the past few years than at any other time in the history of Florida.
I hope that the Legislature continues these efforts by providing funding for those on the My Safe Florida Home waitlist—these grants have helped tens of thousands harden their homes and generate rate relief.
The program is a testament to the Legislature’s commitment to helping homeowners—it has made a difference and can do so again.
Our economy is strong in part because our spending and budget policies are sensible.
We are actually spending less money in the current fiscal year than we did in the previous year. Where else have they actually reduced spending?
We have the lowest number of state government workers per capita in the country.
Over the past six years, we have more than tripled our state’s rainy day fund.
Florida just celebrated its 180th birthday and I’m happy to say that just since 2019, we have paid off 41% of the debt accumulated over those 180 years.
Our state has among the lowest per capita state debt in America.
The share of Florida’s debt for each citizen is about $660; the share of the national debt for each US citizen is more than $100,000.
Can the Congressmen in Washington, D.C. please take a page out of Florida’s fiscal playbook?
Florida is a free state in part because we are a low tax state.
We have one of the top five tax environments in the nation, have no income tax, and have enacted billions of dollars in tax cuts over the past six years.
We must continue to be a friend to the taxpayer.
In addition to our traditional tax holidays, I am proposing we add holidays for marine fuel to help our boaters and anglers and a Second Amendment summer for the purchases of firearms, ammo and accoutrements.
Florida remains the only state in America to tax business rent—and while we have reduced the rate of the tax it is time to eliminate it.
While Florida property values have surged in recent years, this has come at a cost to taxpayers squeezed by increasing local government property taxes.
Escalating assessments have created a gusher of revenue for local governments—and many in Florida have seen their budgets increase far beyond the growth in population.
Taxpayers need relief.
You buy a home, pay off a mortgage—and yet you still have to write a check to the government every year just to live on your own property?
Is the property yours or are you just renting from the government?
I know members of the Legislature are studying the issue in anticipation of formulating a proposal to place on the 2026 ballot to provide constitutional protections for Florida property owners.
Please know you have my support.
Oh, and one other thing—don’t let anyone tell you we will seek to raise state taxes, because we will not.
We are—and will remain—a taxpayer-friendly state!
Florida has also led on education—and has been ranked #1 in America for the past two years.
We are the top state in America for school choice. This has changed lives.
Joining us today is Harli McCullough, whose son, Thorne, is a recipient of Florida’s family empowerment scholarship for unique abilities.
Thorne attends the Jacksonville School for Autism because of the scholarship. He can now pursue an education that fits his unique needs instead of being forced into a one-size-fits-all approach.
Our universal school choice program works—families and students have benefitted, and the academic bar has been raised throughout the state.
It is a great testament to the Legislature that Florida was the first state to enact such an ambitious and far-reaching choice program.
We recognize the importance of recruiting and retaining great teachers.
We have enacted a teachers bill of rights, provided protection against coerced union dues, and invested a record $4.6 billion to raise teacher salaries.
I’m pleased to be joined by Hernando County teacher Jaime Suarez, who has been selected as Florida’s Teacher of the Year. Jaime is a High Impact teacher, is the grade team lead and mentor, and serves on the district’s textbook selection committee.
Thanks for making a difference, Jaime!
I am again recommending an increase in money dedicated to increasing teacher salaries, as well as continuation of the civics bonus program that gives a $3,000 bonus to all teachers that complete our civics seal of excellence training course.
Our universities have earned strong commendations—we currently have four state universities ranked in the top 50 public universities in the nation.
Universities must be dedicated to the pursuit of truth, the promotion of academic rigor and integrity, and the preparation of students to be citizens of our republic.
We led the way in being the first state to eliminate DEI from our higher education system.
We continue to lead by holding the line on tuition. We have not allowed a tuition increase since I’ve been governor and Florida has the lowest in-state tuition in America.
Florida families deserve state universities that provide education, not indoctrination. And that education must be attainable regardless of financial status. I’m happy to report that, in this regard, we are delivering.
Florida has led on some of the most intractable issues, ranging from substance abuse to child welfare.
Hope Florida was devised by our First Lady, Casey DeSantis to transform the way government agencies provided services to our fellow citizens in need.
Rather than perpetuate dependence on a Great Society-style bureaucracy, Hope Florida seeks to use government to connect individuals and families to more than 5,600 faith-based, community and private sector partners.
Ginger Faulk illustrates Hope Florida’s impact. Ginger was struggling to make ends meet and her goal of becoming a physical therapist seemed like an elusive dream. Thanks to the help of a Hope Florida navigator, Ginger was connected to resources that helped her complete a physical therapy program. She is now a Physical Therapy assistant and has achieved her dream.
By the end of 2024, Hope Florida has helped nearly 30,000 participants reduce or eliminate their reliance on government assistance, netting the taxpayers over $108 million in annual savings.
In the aftermath of Hurricanes Debby, Helene, and Milton, Activate Hope—the emergency relief arm of Hope Florida—helped over 57,000 Floridians with essential supplies and provided more than 33,000 with referrals to overcome disaster-related hardships.
The Hope Florida model is now being replicated by other states around the country.
Thanks to Casey for her leadership and ingenuity!
We are fortunate to live in a naturally beautiful state.
We promised to leave Florida to God better than we found, and we are doing just that.
The Florida Wildlife Corridor—established in 2021—now spans 18 million acres, with 10 million acres already protected. Last year, we directed FDOT to enhance connectivity within the corridor. Since 2019, we have approved over $129 million for 38 crossings, ensuring safer passage for species like the Florida panther.
We have shattered records for state support for Everglades restoration, for water quality improvements, and for beach renourishment.
While our efforts have been strong, the federal government has lagged in its responsibilities regarding Everglades restoration. I am happy to report that the Trump administration is receptive to block granting money to us so that we can complete these projects ourselves.
Florida time is faster than Army Corps of Engineers time.
Our Florida paradise was interrupted by a series of hurricanes over the past year. These storms brought major destruction but also witnessed a strong emergency response across state and local governments.
Utility lineman were pre-staged and millions of customers who lost power were restored in record time.
Massive amounts of debris were removed, including a round-the-clock emergency effort to marshal state assets to remove Hurricane Helene debris in advance of Hurricane Milton.
The search and rescue effort was momentous. This includes the rescue of a dog that had been abandoned on the side of I-75 in advance of Milton. FHP Trooper Orlando Morales rescued the dog as water was rising to the dog’s neck. The dog has ben renamed “Trooper” and is now in a safe and loving home.
Thank you, Trooper Morales!
We have utilized available levers—from the Florida Disaster Fund to the small business loan program—to help individuals and businesses get back on their feet.
We are joined by Cainnon Gregg, the Founder of Pelican Oyster Co. His farm was devasted by Hurricane Michael and, after rebuilding, was hit again by Helene and Milton. Mr. Gregg will be a recipient of grant funds to support his rebuilding efforts and to get his business back to normal.
The recovery efforts after major hurricanes persist long after the cameras leave. I know more needs to be done and you can count on me to be supportive of future legislative support for these important recoveries.
We know we have other issues to address:
- Petition/amendment fraud
- Condos
- Second Amendment
Before I conclude I would be remiss if I didn’t remind everybody of some of the other accomplishments that, together, we have achieved over the past six years:
We banned China from purchasing land in Florida.
We enacted a digital bill of rights.
We protected Floridians against the imposition of a central bank digital currency.
We instituted the death penalty for pedophiles.
We created a program to accelerate the repayment of state debt – saving hundreds of millions of dollars in interest costs.
We enacted protections for the sanctity of life.
We codified parental rights in education.
We created a law enforcement bonus and scholarship program to recruit and retain great police officers.
We divested state financial holdings from Chinese banks and investment firms.
We kneecapped so-called ESG in our pension fund, in the workplace and in financial institutions.
We brought transparency and accountability to pharma companies to lower drug costs.
We initiated the Moving Florida Forward program to accelerate over 20 infrastructure and congestion relief projects across the state.
We provided billions of dollars in tax relief, including the permanent elimination of sales tax on essential baby items.
I could go on, but in the interest of time I’ll just say that, working together, we have amassed a record that is without peer anywhere in the country.
To our presiding officers, Speaker Perez and President Albritton, I look forward to work together to advance our shared goals.
Speaker Perez represents the busy, fast-paced modern Miami, the gateway to the Americas—a unique place not just in our state but in our country.
President Albritton represents the Florida heartland that is sometimes overlooked but that has served as the backbone of our state for generations.
While coming from differing backgrounds, these leaders have a strong desire to make Florida a better place. Congratulations on earning this opportunity to lead your respective chambers.
To our Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis—thank you for your service to our state as you prepare to get called up to the big leagues to serve in Congress. My advice is stay true to Northwest Florida values and don’t catch Potomac fever. Oh, and if you can get them to handle the budget up there like we do down here you will be doing a great service to the country!
Commissioner Simpson, you will soon be the most tenured member of the cabinet. Your department has made significant improvements since you’ve taken over from your predecessor. You have stepped up as part of our state immigration board to assist in the state’s effort to combat illegal immigration and I thank you for it.
Our new Attorney General James Uthmeier has been instrumental in many of the successes I’ve outlined today. I was happy to appoint him to be the state’s top law enforcement officer and he is already off to a great start!
To the members of the Legislature, you are entrusted by your constituents to exercise sound judgment on their behalf. You have been more productive than any Legislature in America over these past six years. You should be proud of that work and of your willingness to serve.
As Teddy Roosevelt famously said:
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while doing greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.”
My friends, we have great opportunities over the next sixty days.
The people of Florida are watching.
Let’s work together to solidify our successes and address the challenges before us.
Our voyage is not yet complete.
Our goal is to one day say, in the words of Walt Whitman:
“O Captain! O Captain! Our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weather’d every rack, the prize we sought is won.”
Good luck and God bless!