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A young woman in a blue and white blouse smiles at the camera. Behind her is a blurred-out background of oak trees.

Savannah Rude

WUSF Stephen Noble Social/Digital News intern

Writing has been my favorite form of expression since I was little, so naturally, journalism was an easy path for me to choose.

As a rising third-year student at the University of Florida majoring in journalism, I have had the opportunity to dive into some of the most unique stories while reporting for WUFT and focusing on community-based journalism.

My self-proclaimed beat of the past spring semester became the metal-detecting community in Florida. This goes to show that there can always be a story in places you might not have expected or even known about.

When I am not working on a story, you can find me at Orange Theory, teaching swim lessons or watching a true crime documentary.

I am so excited to see what I can uncover with WUSF this summer. I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity to learn from all the talented and passionate professionals here.

You can connect with me on LinkedIn.