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Tallanasty: An Interactive (And Ethical) Experience To Test Your Integrity


It's easy to play armchair quarterback -- or, in the case of politics, armchair legislator.

But as Florida's 2013 lawmaking session gets under way Tuesday, we challenge you to navigate the ethical landmine of local and state politics. When is it okay to accept a campaign check? Is it cool to lobby on behalf of an old high school classmate? And what could go wrong over a harmless cup of coffee?

To find out how your ethics stack up against Florida's Constitution, try your hand at Tallanasty, an online quiz developed by our partners at WLRN and the Miami Herald. To play the game, click here.

Then tune in to this week's Florida Matters to hear about some real-life ethical conundrums your legislators are facing this session. We'll bring you highlights from Town Hall 2013, a public forum in which Floridians got to grill State Senators Jack Latvala and Chris Smith on everything from ethics to health care to property insurance. The show airs Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 a.m. on WUSF 89.7 FM.

"I host a food podcast" is a great icebreaker at parties.