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Florida Matters: How Wildfires Impact Our State

State officials say Florida is having one of its worst wildfire seasons in years. This week on Florida Matters we're talking about the impact these fires have on the state's environment and economy, and whether there's an end in sight for this dry season.

Our guests include:

We also hear from state Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam.

Have you experienced a wildfire in your area? Share your thoughts or photographs with us in the comments section below or on our Facebook page. Be sure to check out our slideshow of wildfire photos above.

You can also track ongoing fires in Florida with this map.

If you suspect arson activity in your area, contact the Florida Forestry Arson Alert Association hotline at 1-800- 342-5869. If your information leads to an arrest, you could be eligible for a reward.

I’m the editor for Your Florida, a project focused on connecting people with state government and policies passed in Tallahassee that affect their lives. I’m passionate about highlighting community efforts to improve the quality of life in our state and am committed to holding those in power accountable when they fail to prioritize the needs of people they serve.
Robin Sussingham was Senior Editor at WUSF until September 2020.