Citrus greening disease has weakened trees, which is why recent hurricanes have been able to cause so much more damage. A Florida citrus grower says a new therapy might have saved groves from a worse fate during Milton.
They have successfully killed the insect behind the greening disease in the lab, but the real test will come over the next three years to see if they survive in citrus groves.
Along with citrus greening, the industry has faced constant pressures from residential and commercial development and has been hit by hurricanes and winter freezes.
Fort Myers-based Alico Inc.says citrus production has declined extensively because of citrus greening disease and hurricane damage.
The tree from India could replace much of Florida's disease-stressed citrus groves.
As orange prices boom and crops plummet worldwide, scientists in Central Florida lead the search for citrus greening solutions with genetic engineering.
Researchers and farmers continue the search for long-term solutions to an insect-spread illness called laurel wilt.
Research using oak leaves on citrus trees to combat citrus greening has been fruitful so far. Some growers say it’s been a lifesaver, but others say it’s not enough.
With citrus greening and real estate development, some Tampa Bay area residents said it's hard to find fresh squeezed orange juice at restaurants and stores like they used to.
Florida's struggling citrus industry opened the new year without seeing changes in production estimates for this growing season, as state lawmakers begin to decide how much money to pump into agriculture issues.
Citrus greening has caused massive damage in groves and combined with storms, development pressures and competition from foreign imports to drive down production and damage the industry.
The open house held at the Southwest Florida Research and Education Center showed off what UF agricultural researchers are doing to solve problems growing citrus and vegetables