The surviving participants of Tampa's sit-in were recognized for their efforts in the Civil Rights Movement.
The trail begins in North Hyde Park and runs through downtown onto Ybor City. Construction has begun on a 3-mile addition through Ybor onto Cuscaden Park.
Residents and small business owners in the area have been at odds about the practicality of the proposal.
By combining structures and the environment, city officials are working on a project that will hopefully alleviate a longtime concern.
The Rental and Move-in Assistance Program, which began in 2022, will see a new round of applicants receive financial assistance for rental and housing.
The first phase of the project is starting between North 15th and 17th Streets. It's expected to take two weeks. The road will eventually be paved with bricks from Nick Nuccio Parkway to 26th Street.
The extension of the bike path is part of an effort to provide more ways for residents to get around Tampa as neighborhoods grow.
The July Fourth event is returning to Julian B. Lane Riverfront Park with family-friendly activities, live entertainment and an evening fireworks display.
Some people are worried that extended construction will hinder businesses and residents in Ybor City; Tampa officials are working to try to limit any possible negative impacts.
West Cleveland Street is on the city's High Injury Network, which are roadways that have had the most crashes in recent years.
The proposed changes would add an additional $26.8 million to the initial budget projections.
The new museum will highlight the history of predominantly African American Tampa communities, as well as the leaders within them.