The study by the Environmental Integrity Project analyzed biennial pollution reports sent by states to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Conservationists have a 5-amendment rights of nature ballot drive going on right now. This is the fourth in a series looking at each of the proposed ballot amendments. Today's story is about the proposed right to clean water amendment.
The Florida Chamber of Commerce and a major developers’ group are seeking to intervene in a high-stakes lawsuit over a move by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to shift permitting authority to the state for projects that affect wetlands.
The groups say Florida's application was riddled with errors and fast-tracked to get a decision before the Trump Administration leaves office.
While disagreements in Congress have led to a government shutdown, there was at least one topic both the House and Senate were able to agree on before...
St. Petersburg leaders have settled a lawsuit filed by environmental groups in 2016 after the city released millions of gallons of sewage into Tampa Bay.
Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection is applying to take over duties from the federal government related to protecting its wetlands. But...
A new report shows Florida has some of the worst water polluters in the country. And some of the worst violators are in the Tampa Bay area.The report from…
A Florida Senate committee, Wednesday, advanced a bill ( SB 1402 ) which aims to place a longstanding federal program that protects wetlands through the...
A statewide water-policy bill that is a top priority of House Speaker Steve Crisafulli and Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam was overwhelmingly…
The regulations are intended to clarify recent court decisions on which bodies of water are protected, but many farmers and congressional Republicans oppose what they call an EPA "land grab."
The oil giant had hoped to limit how much it will pay under a 2012 settlement with people and businesses on the Gulf Coast. BP originally estimated it would pay $7.8 billion to settle claims.