Researchers hope to better understand Tampa Bay’s potential role as a nursery ground for young sharks and to identify potential threats to their habitat
Florida's tegu lizards are migrating north. Here's what this invasion means for the state's wildlifeTegus have been reported in 35 Florida counties, including nearly every part of the greater Tampa Bay region. A new factsheet shows their presence is now established in several North Florida counties and as far north as Georgia.
Put on your hiking boots because we're trekking through the USF Forest Preserve in Tampa. The University of South Florida has requested and received proposals to build on this undeveloped property. Student researchers, turned activists, show us what makes this parcel of land so special.
An advocate with Save USF Forest Preserve doesn’t think the university is willing to sell the land, although she hopes Hillsborough County’s interest in preserving it reinforces their efforts.
A blend of memoir and fieldwork account, "The Arbornaut" chronicles the work of Sarasota-based tree canopy scientist Meg Lowman.
The USF SG Senate passed a resolution for “conservation easement” of the land instead of pursuing development proposals.
DeSantis chose the Disney Wilderness Preserve in Osceola County for the ceremonial signing of the Florida Wildlife Corridor Act. It is considered a national model in efforts to preserve migration paths for animals.
As USF reviews development proposals for a wooded preserve and golf course on the northern edge of the Tampa campus, a recent fine arts graduate is releasing a short film about student activists who are working to save the parcel of land.
Most of the plans include building apartments, hotels, and restaurants, but one hopes to preserve the land entirely.
With development ideas due on Monday, the USF Faculty Senate passed a resolution stating they are “vehemently opposed to any development or destruction of the forest preserve.”
University of South Florida students and faculty were joined by indigenous rights activists on Friday to protest the college's inquiry into developing its nature preserve and golf course.
Hillsborough County was under the impression that the USF Forest Preserve was already protected. Since it isn't, commissioners are exploring all the ways they can conserve the parcel.