The groundwater permits don’t have a quantity or acreage cap, so it’s difficult to estimate how much water they’ll withdraw from the aquifer.
Cave divers in North Central Florida say the proposed 500-home Tara Forest West development could contaminate the Floridan Aquifer with its stormwater runoff.
The object of Benjamin Dimmitt's pictorial and editorial attention has deteriorated significantly over the last few decades.
Nearly 40 square miles of North Cape Coral is sinking, an inch or more every year, due to over-pumping the aquifers below the city for household water.
Residents across the greater Tampa Bay region can enjoy thousands of acres of wetlands and lakes that have slowly rebounded over the past couple decades since Tampa Bay Water stopped the over-pumping of groundwater and ended "the water wars."
Generations of advocates and scientists have worked to protect Lake Alice, but no single administrative unit of the flagship university is tasked with caring for its signature water body.
A groundwater expert says treating the millions of gallons of polluted water remaining at the former phosphate plant in Manatee County could be very costly, and that pumping it down an injection well is not as uncommon or concerning as some may think.
The purpose would be to ease traffic. How plausible is this idea considering Miami's vulnerability to rising sea levels?