A wave of threats have rocked schools across the country, since a Georgia high school shooting earlier this month left four dead.
Several counties are emphasizing how seriously threats are being taken and highlighting their added security measures.
The rules come after multiple discussions on how to balance restrictions with student freedom. The district policy does allow for some exceptions.
For decades, Pizzo K-8 operated on the University of South Florida Tampa campus. But the terms of a new lease agreement between the district and university could push the school to move.
If all the Florida schools districts that have been selected to receive federal funding through the Clean School Bus Program accept the money, there could be up to 263 electric school buses statewide.
The board went against previous review committees' recommendations to keep more than half the books.
Pinellas and Pasco County schools released bell schedules for the upcoming school year. They remain largely unchanged as the districts figure out how to push back start times by 2026.
The district is taking students and parents to truancy court to find the most hard-to-reach families in the midst of a national absenteeism crisis.
A complaint against "The Letter Q," a collection of letters by queer authors writing to their teenage selves, marked Pasco County School's first formal book challenge.
Two Central Florida school districts are looking to tackle this post-COVID problem by implementing two different approaches.
A major proposal slashing rules on everything from how teachers are certified, hired and paid, to rolling back some of the state’s standardized testing system, has cleared a major hurdle, but the House and Senate differ on how far they should go.
A previous version proposed to remove a requirement that third-grade students score adequately on an English-language arts exam to advance to fourth grade.