Within the next 20 years, experts believe rabies-carrying vampire bats could enter the U.S. through Latin America, so the federal government is bringing stakeholders together from across the country.
How does carbon sequestration work, and will it really reverse the effects of climate change? One soil scientist calls this is a "turning point" for Florida growers.
As the world continues to warm due to heat-trapping greenhouse gases, the public and private sectors are ramping up programs to pay farmers for trapping carbon dioxide in their soil.
The bills would provide money to local governments to combat climate change, and give tax breaks to homeowners to elevate their properties.
Climate change is impacting so much around us: heat, flooding, health, wildlife, housing, and more. Tell us how you have experienced climate change over time.
An investigation found that inequality is fueling heat-related illnesses across the state, Fort Pierce is the hottest ZIP code in Florida, and the government and medical community are both not doing enough for what is referred to by farmworkers as “being caught by the bear.”
The world temperature has increased about 2 degrees overall from the 1881-1910 baseline used to assess warming during the industrial era.
Tampa is in the midst of a study to determine what course of action should be taken to minimize the impact of rising seas in the next several decades.
2020 and 2016 are virtually tied for the hottest year on record. That means more powerful hurricanes, more intense wildfires, less ice and longer heat waves.
The legislation would prohibit oil and gas leasing in all areas of the Outer Continental Shelf, promote offshore wind energy and restore 30% of the nation's oceans by 2030.
The greater Tampa Bay region has room for improvement across the board, according to a national organization's 2020 City Clean Energy Scorecard.
Fertilizer, sewage and other human sources can produce high levels of nutrients, like nitrogen and phosphorous, in our waters.