The university's Shimberg Center for Housing Studies found housing prices to be stabilizing after many years of growth. However, it says buying a house will still create financial stress.
An industry-challenge legal settlement over real estate commissions is still shaking out, including in South Florida
Large corporations, like Amherst and Invitation Homes, own thousands of homes across the greater Tampa Bay region. Renters say they’re unresponsive, quick to evict and only care about their bottom line.
Tampa had a 4.8 percent year-over-year home-price increase, according to the S&P CoreLogic Case-Shiller Indices.
At a 32.6% year-over-year rise, the greater Tampa Bay metro area trailed only Phoenix nationwide. Miami ranked third.
Research published this week finds that home sales volume and prices have declined in coastal census tracts vulnerable to sea level rise, relative to coastal areas less threatened by climate change.
With Hillsborough County in the midst of an affordable housing crunch, developers continue building luxury homes and apartments, especially in Tampa's…