Florida’s NCLEX pass rates have trended below the national average for years, but in 2024, grads from nursing programs in the State University System posted impressive results.
Although Florida has performed below the national average for more than 10 years, the gap between its scores and the national averages did decrease in 2024.
How a shortage of doctors, nurses and other health care professionals affects the region, and efforts to train more doctors to meet the need.
A Biden administration rule that imposed minimum rules on nursing levels may not survive, even though many homes lack enough workers to maintain residents’ care.
Course work in seven fields can be completed online in a self-paced fashion in as little as six weeks.
Though the VA says there isn't a hiring freeze, federal data shows the agency has been dealing with "severe shortages" of nurses for years. Nurses in Tampa say they're feeling the strain.
The three-day camp offers high schoolers a look at the life of nurses, surgeons, therapists and other jobs in the hopes of inspiring future health workers.
The staffing regulation was disparaged by the industry as unattainable. Patient advocates say it doesn’t go far enough. Labor unions welcomed the requirement.
The Emotional Vaccine program is being offered for free by the Florida Center for Nursing for all current and future nurses in the state.
The claim was made in a new AARP sponsored report from the University of South Florida. The Florida Health Care Association counters saying those trends are a function of the post-COVID workforce environment and NOT the result of efforts to "modernize staffing standards."
The survey of more than 500 programs by the Florida Center for Nursing also finds a decrease in nursing faculty. The reason: Qualified nurses earn more in clinical settings than academic ones.
The facility will support clinical trials and “transformative” research, and offer hands-on training for doctors, nurses and med students with the goal of drawing "top-tier" health workers.