At a Friday hearing, Florida lawmakers demanded answers from the former and current state insurance commissioners. They wanted to now why a worrisome report about insurance companies was kept confidential for years.
Health insurance premiums and deductibles for employer-sponsored plans are costing workers more this year, according to a report from Kaiser Family...
Companies offering insurance on Florida’s health care marketplace are increasing individual premiums by $208 dollars a month on average next year.
Health insurance rates on the Obamacare marketplace in Florida will increase by an average of 45 percent in 2018.
The House on Tuesday backed away from a proposal that sought to require Medicaid beneficiaries to pay monthly premiums.
Over a five-year period, Florida’s Medicaid program overpaid private HMOs an estimated $26 million in monthly premiums for enrollees who had already...
Look closely at a bill from your health care provider, and there's likely a sigh of relief your insurance company negotiated a better rate than the...
Open enrollment in the Affordable Care Act Marketplaces begins Tuesday and the state says the average premium increase in Florida is 19 percent. But the...
Health insurance rates in Florida are going to jump next year by an average of 19 percent.
Next year’s premiums for health coverage under the Affordable Care Act could rise more than in past years in most markets and declines might be rare,...
You better shop around. For holiday gifts? No, for a 2016 health insurance plan on the federal marketplace, healthcare.gov.
The sticker price for a benchmark health plan in Florida's online Marketplace will average $328 a month, far below the price that had been forecast,