The Trump administration suspended the Refugee Admissions Program in January, cutting off funding for groups that help refugee families settle in the U.S. Now, the State Department has terminated the program.
More than 160,000 Americans across every state signed up to resettle newcomers through the Welcome Corps, a public-private effort launched two years ago.
The project began just before the pandemic, in 2020, as an offshoot of an already established street medicine clinic run by USF faculty and students.
In a Georgia city that is home to many refugees, the vaccination rate is higher than in the state, county and surrounding communities of similar socioeconomic status.
Organizations from the greater Tampa Bay region are preparing, even though it's difficult to know just how many refugees from Afghanistan and Haiti could land here in the coming months.
Cubans make up the largest group of migrants seeking asylum who are currently stuck at the Mexican border under a Trump Administration policy. As President Biden undoes the policies of his predecessor, many are soon expected to arrive in South Florida.
Refugee admission into the U.S. has dropped dramatically in recent years. According to a Pew Research Center analysis of State Department data, refugee…
The Tampa Bay area is becoming a popular location for refugee resettlement - there are more refugees per capita in Clearwater and Tampa than anywhere else…
A U.S. Navy hospital ship leaves Norfolk, Virginia, Thursday on a mission that means a lot to people here in South Florida. It hopes to help bring...
The rights of refugees were enshrined in international law in the wake of World War II. But those rules aren't always respected.
An average of 44,000 people were displaced every day, or one person every two seconds, according to a United Nations report. Conflict is the biggest factor driving displacement.
The University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee is commemorating World Refugee Day this Friday by inviting the public to hear stories from refugees…