The idea came up after Tom Edwards, a member of the Sarasota County School Board, was verbally attacked for his sexuality during a March board meeting.
“You know Black voters have been key to elections and upholding democracy and we cannot miss the opportunity for all voices to be heard now more than ever," says Equal Ground's Kristin Fulwylie Thomas.
“The government hasn’t done anything to protect Tampa’s water sources,” said a Chispa Florida study participant from Tampa.
Taylor was shot and killed in her apartment by Louisville police last March. "I can't believe it's a year later and we're still just asking people to do the right thing," her mother said recently.
Sports protests in response to a shooting by Wisconsin police came to the greater Tampa Bay region Thursday, with teams responding in different ways.
Author Gilbert King won a Pulitzer Prize for his 2013 book, "Devil In The Grove: Thurgood Marshall, the Groveland Boys and the Dawn of a New America." His…