Fewer Florida schools earned an ‘A’ on the state’s annual report card, while more schools saw their grades drop to ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘F,’ according to state Department of Education
Gov. Rick Scott is drawing a line on tuition hikes this year. He wants state universities to find other ways to deal with budget cuts.At a contentious…
The Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test is all grown up. But has it grown into a monster? That’s the question raised by a Tampa Bay Times article recounting the birth and
Florida’s next House Speaker says increasing the number of college graduates will require online universities.Online schools won’t replace traditional…
http://vimeo.com/41314405Yoselis Ramos isn’t very good at math. She admits as much.So why, then, does she want to be a math teacher?“I’m pretty stubborn…
The FCAT test is only as good as its questions…and one science educator says those questions are confusing at best.Here's one example -- try to answer…
Reading teacher Audra Cervi says kids pay attention to their reading lesson when the letter ‘J’ turns into a jumping, blue 3-D…
The Cato Institute, a Washington, D.C.-based, think tank that has been an ardent supporter of school choice, has published a piece opposing the ‘parent…