At least 70 pedestrians and bicyclists died between 2018 and 2024 after being struck by vehicles on Lakeland-area roads.
Outdated stoplights could be the reason behind traffic delays and accidents. A study by USF researchers suggests digitizing the system as a possible fix.
Critics of a recreational marijuana amendment on this year’s ballot in Florida are warning it will lead to more car crashes and traffic deaths on the state’s roads.
Hillsborough County is cracking down on drivers passing stopped school buses. Using a new camera system, officers no longer have to be on the scene to give a ticket.
Parents at Robles Elementary School have long been concerned about unsafe conditions. Here are the measures being taken to make sure kids are safe there, and across the county.
All 1,000 plus of the district's buses will be equipped with safety cameras. Drivers who pass while the stop sign is displayed will be fined.
West Cleveland Street is on the city's High Injury Network, which are roadways that have had the most crashes in recent years.
It may feel like the county's roadways are always jammed. These two engineer associates are tasked with clearing up some of the congestion that crashes and closures create in real time.
Bike boxes are the green-painted, L-shaped sections of roadways at signal-controlled intersections. Officials say there have been up to 50% reductions in crashes between cars and bikes where the boxes are used.
The workshop is responsible for roughly 98% of the signs in the county, according to Gino Marzano.
A new law says drivers must move over if the disabled vehicle is using hazard lights, or has flares or cones placed around the vehicle.
Both Pasco County and the city of Tampa will use the money to study ways to reduce injuries and fatalities.