Thanks in part to work by WUSF TV, more than 70 public TV stations around the country will air an award-winning documentary that looks back at a 1950s and…
Gov. Rick Scott spared the wrath of his veto pen and will let state funding for a University of Central Florida campus in downtown Orlando stay in the...
The Florida Legislature is getting closer to finalizing its proposed budget, and the State University System stands to pick up a sizable amount of money…
The Florida Board of Governors Wednesday approved the University of Central Florida's plan for a downtown Orlando campus.
The Florida Department of Children and Families is teaming up with the University of Central Florida to get more social workers with a four-year degree...
The University of Central Florida announced a five-year deal with the country’s largest for-profit hospital chain to train doctors after graduation,...
University of Central Florida president John Hitt delivered the State of the University address this afternoon to what is now the nation’s second...
Breast milk sharing is thriving in central Florida, especially among high income, college educated white women. That’s according to a new study out of...
The University of South Florida, Florida International University and the University of Central Florida – the state’s three largest metropolitan research…
There are eight college football bowl games across Florida, including the BitCoin St. Petersbug Bowl on Dec. 26 at 8 p.m. between North Carolina State and…