“If we see that these two effluent sources can stimulate growth in Karenia brevis, then we can potentially target these nutrients and prevent them from entering bloom impacted waters," said Amanda Muni-Morgan of UF.
In Florida, the latest drinking water results show an “alarming level” of PFAS compounds at the Orangewood Water System in Holiday and in the city of Pembroke Pines.
"Seagrass die-off has happened before in Florida in various estuaries at various times. Seagrass recovers. But this is the first time it's really been simultaneous in all five major estuaries in Florida," said Bill Kearney of the Sun Sentinel.
At a meeting Tuesday, county leaders discussed the plans, which include taking steps to ensure residents’ water is safe from the dangers of 1,4 Dioxane.
What could become the nation's first deep water aquaculture facility in federal offshore waters was first proposed in 2019 and would be located about 45 miles off Sarasota in the Gulf of Mexico.
A new report is raising concern about too much polluted water from Florida’s agricultural lands in the Everglades.
Gov. Ron DeSantis' fifth State of the State address will be notable from a national standpoint as he garners attention as a potential 2024 presidential candidate.
On this week's Florida Roundup: This is the first time in over a century there’s not a single Democrat in statewide elected office. Also: the 2023 legislative session is coming, and the state may preempt local control over water quality, pollution and wetlands.
The groups say multiple bills would undermine smart development as Florida experiences explosive growth and the 2022 hurricane season illustrates the need for sustainability.
Residents living in low-income households across the country are telling advocates, "We're sometimes having to make a choice. What do I pay this month? Do I pay my water bill and my sewer bill? Do I pay my gas bill? Do pay my electric bill? Do I pay for my medications?"
In this week's Florida Roundup, we discuss Gov. Ron DeSantis' push to solidify Florida’s bans on COVID-19 mandates, and a look at what the Everglades restoration.
The legislature would need to approve DeSantis' $3.5 billion proposal, which would be spread over four years.