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USF Health Students and Faculty Put On Talent Show

Singing, dancing and magic acts are just some of the things attendees at Friday night's "BANDaids for BRIDGE" charity fundraiser can expect to see. And the best thing is that the performers are all trained professionals--well, trained medical professionals.

BANDaids creator Madeline Snyder, a second-year student at the USF College of Medicine, says the event features USF Health students, faculty and staff showing off their talents.

"We have physicians dancing in the show, singing, playing the drums, playing the guitar," Snyder said. "So it's really neat to see your mentors get up on stage and kind let loose for an evening for a good cause."

The event raises money for USF Health's BRIDGE Healthcare Clinic. Students work there with USF Health faculty to deliver free medical care to impoverished residents of the University Area Community. Last year's sold-out show (video below) raised $2,000 for the BRIDGE clinic. Snyder hopes to double that this year.


BandAIDs for Bridge is at the T. Pepin Hospitality Center in Tampa beginning at 6 p.m. Friday. Tickets are $15 for USF Health students and $30 for faculty and the general public.

Mark Schreiner is the assistant news director and intern coordinator for WUSF News.
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