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Algae A Hot Button Issue For Florida’s Gubernatorial Primary

Amy Green/WMFE

The five democratic candidates for governor are largely in agreement on what to do about Florida’s algae bloom crisis: redirect freshwater releases from lake O south through the Everglades to a reservoir, which is yet to be constructed, address the sources of nutrient pollution flowing into the lake, and eliminate the political influence of Florida’s sugar industry which has been linked to that nutrient pollution.

During a debate in Fort Myers last month, Democratic candidates Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum, former Congresswoman Gwen Graham, billionaire businessman Jeff Greene and former Miami Beach Mayor Philip Levine called for a reversal of environmental policies enacted under Governor Rick Scott’s administration. Levine addressed the current leadership on the state’s water management district boards… as well as funding for the state’s Department of Environmental Protection.

“We need to make sure those water management boards are no longer filled with Rick Scott cronies; that we actually put scientists, community leaders, ecologists, environmentalists who understand what a water management board is supposed to do. We need to begin monitoring water again. Rick Scott took away all the monitoring systems by defunding the department of environmental protection.”

Scott is currently running to unseat U.S. Democratic Senator Bill Nelson.

Tallahassee Mayor Gillum took the issue a step further, saying Florida needs to better regulate development linked to nutrient pollution north of Lake O and that the state needs to explore how solutions to those water releases will impact agricultural communities South of the lake.

“We’ve got to deal with the 50,000 citizens who are surrounding that industry, many of them communities of color, who are not being talked to about the kind of job industry that we’re going to usher into their area once we transform the agricultural use around it.”

The Democratic candidates, as well as Republican candidate Congressman Ron DeSantis, tout that they’re campaigns do not take donations from sugar industry interests. Gwen Graham previously took some $17 thousand dollars from sugar interests, but later gave that money to the nonprofit Indian Riverkeeper, which works to restore water quality in the Indian River Lagoon on the east coast.

Sugar industry contributions to the campaign of Florida Agriculture Commissioner Adam Putnam, as well as to political action committees that support him, are a frequent talking point of his opponent in the GOP gubernatorial primary, Congressman Ron DeSantis.

“Adam is basically the errand boy for U.S. Sugar. I mean, he is going to stand with them (applause/boos). All his solutions are going to give them everything they want. They’ve pumped millions of dollars directly and indirectly into his campaign.”

At a recent debate in Jacksonville, DeSantis also touted his efforts in Washington… getting the feds to match state funding for this year’s water bill addressing the crisis.

Putnam, on the other hand, paints his GOP primary opponent as a Washington insider who doesn’t fully grasp the issue.

“I think that you can take everything that my opponent knows about water and put it on your sticky note and still have room left over for your grocery list…If we were waiting on Washington, we’d never had any of this done. 20 years ago, 20 years ago the land was purchased for the C-43 and C-44 reservoir…Under Jeb Bush’s leadership. Still no reservoir. Still waiting on the Corps of Engineers.”

The winners of the Republican and Democratic primaries will face off in the November general election.

Meanwhile, tourism marketing agencies along Florida’s coastal communities are working to quantify the financial losses to their tourism-based economies.

And with no end in sight to the harmful releases from Lake Okeechobee, the long-term impact on marine life and Florida’s coastal environments remains unknown.

Copyright 2018 Health News Florida

By WMFE Staff
By Amy Green
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