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Healthy State tells the stories you need to know to stay well, with a special focus on Florida.We'll bring you the latest fitness trends, new research on preventing and treating disease, and information about how health policy impacts your pocketbook.We report on health using all the tools at our disposal -- video, audio, photos and text -- to bring these stories to life.Healthy State is a project of WUSF Public Media in Tampa and is heard on public radio stations throughout Florida. It also is available online at wusfnews.org.

Poll: Most Americans In Favor Of Keeping Protections For Pre-Existing Conditions

Pre-existing conditions including diabetes could mean insurance companies can decide to cover patients or not (or to charge them higher rates).
Flickr Creative Commons
Pre-existing conditions including diabetes could mean insurance companies can decide to cover patients or not (or to charge them higher rates).

A new Kaiser Family Foundation poll finds that  75 percent of Americans support protections for people with pre-existing conditions under the Affordable Care Act

Karen Clay is President of the Florida Democratic Disability Caucus, lobbying to have Florida excluded from a 20-state lawsuit seeking to put an end to the Affordable Care Act.

“In healthcare we’d be going back in time," Clay said. "And it’s not just pre-existing conditions we’re concerned about. It’s also lifetime caps.”

Governor Rick Scott says he supports protections for people with pre-existing conditions but is concerned about the rising costs of healthcare.

Copyright 2018 Health News Florida

By Danielle Prieur
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