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Arts Axis Florida
  • Links: To watch our interview on Youtube, visit https://youtu.be/UGz8uxqfFlw For more information on ARTS AXIS FLORIDA, visit: https://www.artsaxisfl.org/For more information on Wanda Raimund-Ortiz , visit https://www.raimundiart.com/ Social Media: ARTS AXIS FLORIDAInstagramFacebook Wanda – Ruimindi OrtizInstagramYoutubeTwitter Thank you to our sponsors: The Community Foundation Tampa Bay and Gobioff Foundation
  • Links: To watch our interview on Youtube, visit https://youtu.be/FdQjrCKXdcgFor more information on ARTS AXIS FLORIDA, visit: https://www.artsaxisfl.org/For more information on Juneteenth, visit https://www.juneteenth.com/For more information on Geveryl Robinson, visit https://www.usf.edu/arts-sciences/departments/english/people/bios/robinson-geveryl.aspx Social Media: ARTS AXIS FLORIDAInstagramFacebookThank you to our sponsors: The Community Foundation Tampa Bay and Gobioff Foundation
  • Links: For more information on ARTS AXIS FLORIDA, visit: https://www.artsaxisfl.org/For more information on the Central Florida Choreographers Collaboration, Visit: https://choreocollab.com/For more information on Amanda Van Meter Burch, visit: https://choreocollab.com/about-the-director Social Media: ARTS AXIS FLORIDAInstagramFacebook Central Florida Choreographers Collaboration InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube Thank you to our sponsors: The Community Foundation Tampa Bay and Gobioff Foundation
  • Links: For more information on ARTS AXIS FLORIDA, visit: https://www.artsaxisfl.org/For more information on the Florida Museum of Photographic Arts, Visit: https://www.fmopa.org/For more information on “The Company We Keep: Photographs of Our Complex Relationships with Animals” exhibit, visit: https://www.fmopa.org/the-company-we-keep-photographs-of-our-complex-relationships-with-animals/ Social Media: ARTS AXIS FLORIDAInstagramFacebook Florida Museum of Photographic Arts InstagramFacebookTwitterYouTube Thank you to our sponsors: The Community Foundation Tampa Bay and Gobioff Foundation
  • Links:For more information on ARTS AXIS FLORIDA, visit: https://www.artsaxisfl.org/For more information on the Heritage Village, visit https://www.pinellascounty.org/heritage/For more information on the Heritage Village’s summit, visit http://www.pinellascounty.org/Heritage/default.htm Social Media:Art Axis FloridaInstagramFacebook Heritage VillageInstagramFacebook Thank you to our sponsors: The Community Foundation Tampa Bay and Gobioff Foundation