The Truth of the Night Sky: Anne Patterson and Patrick Harlin
The Truth of the Night Sky: Anne Patterson and Patrick Harlin
Multimedia artist Anne Patterson and composer Patrick Harlin, explorer of soundscape ecologies, collaborate to create an awe-inspiring immersive installation for Sarasota Art Museum. Patterson, a synesthete who sees color and shape when hearing music, has frequently collaborated with musicians, including Harlin, to design mesmerizing environments. Patterson and Harlin met at the Hermitage Artist Retreat in 2014 and recognized in each other a similar artistic affinity for drawing inspiration from nature.
For this collaborative project, they are expanding upon Harlin’s original composition Earthrise (2022), an orchestral piece inspired by the eponymous photograph of the earth taken from Apollo 8 by William Anders, in 1968. This iconic photograph not only shifted humanity’s perspective, but also encapsulated the environmental movement’s call to care for the earth, provoking a kind of “collective epiphany.” Harlin’s composition will be the processional that plays as visitors pass through the galleries, so that the ambiance evokes a lunar voyage.