Who says there's no snow in Florida? Becky Wanamaker shared this story on WUSF's Facebook page.
Every December, our family drives to Orlando for a little winter wonderland fun at the Gaylord Palm's ICE! show.
We bundle up in those big heavy blue coats and marvel at the beautiful sculptures that created wonderful Christmas vignettes.
The kids (old and young) enjoy sliding down the ice slides. After we've had as much of the 9º temperature we can take, we head over to the atrium for some hot chocolate, conversation and entertainment.
As evening approaches, we head over to the Columbia Restaurant of Celebration for a delicious meal. spectacular sangria, decadent desserts and hot cafe con leche.
Once our bellies are full, we stroll over to Main Street so the kids can enjoy some Florida "snow." It is so much fun to watch the street fill with children, parents, grandparents and even pets as the snow begins to whirl around.
Although there are no snowball fights or snowmen, there are plenty of snow angels being made.
As we make our way back to our parking spot, we stop by the fountain and let the kids attempt to avoid getting wet as they race through the streams of water, never know when or where it will spout up next.
On drive the quiet dark drive home, we listen to A Prairie Home Companion's Christmas Special CD that we started on the drive over earlier in the day.