Doctors from around the world regularly make trips to Gaza to help treat the patients wounded in war. They say that going and seeing it firsthand changes you.
The discussion was sparked by the hospital’s request to the city to establish a new governance structure. That raised questions about a possible land sale, with FSU a possible suitor.
House members voted 104-6 to approve the bill, which involves wrongful-death lawsuits and what are known as “non-economic” damages for such things as pain and suffering.
A Senate committee approved a bill that would clear the way for more malpractice lawsuits over patient deaths.
Medically Unnecessary: Florida holds key to better coverage for disabled kids. Why hasn’t it helped?Last of a four-part series: Legislators passed a public health insurance expansion that would help poor and disabled children get better coverage over a year ago, but funds remain unused.
Medically Unneccessary: Why Florida Healthy Kids doesn't work for many medically vulnerable childrenPart 3 of a series: Kicked off of Medicaid, Florida children with medically complex needs are offered a state insurance program designed for healthy kids who cannot provide the care they require.
A USF study found that vertical currents are likely behind the algae blooms that dump sargassum onto Florida beaches each year.
Dr. Dave Weldon, Trump's pick for director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was withdrawn from consideration shortly before a scheduled Senate confirmation hearing.
Yoga with goats, foxes, lemurs and more can be found across the country. In Florida, elephant yoga classes are held every couple of months at the Myakka Elephant Ranch in Manatee County.
Part 2 in a series: After thousands of families lost Medicaid, many enrolled their children with complex needs in Florida Healthy Kids, a state insurance plan that wasn’t meant to cover their special care.
Advocates say the legislative awareness event is vital to the disability community
The county's safety and health committee took no action on fluoridation after the surgeon general's presentation to convince members to end the practice.
Part 1: Thousands of Florida children with complex ailments lost Medicaid during the unwinding and ended up on a plan not designed to provide the coverage they need.
Juul will send $30 million to the newly created Vape Free Florida Fund to help in the enforcement laws to protect “children from harmful marketing and products.”
Critics claim the oils pressed from the seeds of certain plants are toxic and fueling high rates of chronic diseases like obesity and diabetes.