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Zimmerman Jury Pool Narrows From 500 to 40

Joe Burbank
Orlando Sentinel

A week and a half into George Zimmerman's second-degree murder trial, attorneys are close to selecting the six jurors and four alternates who will judge his fate. Attorneys have narrowed the pool from 500 potential jurors to 40.

Already these potential jurors have faced questioning about pretrial publicity and their impressions of the case. They'll face more questioning on issues like guns and race.

Attorneys have questioned dozens of potential jurors of all ages, races and parts of Seminole County. They've heard from a man who donated to Zimmerman's defense but considered himself impartial. From a pregnant woman who worried about sequestration. And from a black woman who disagreed Zimmerman acted because of race.

Zimmerman faces trial in Sanford, the same place where the former Neighborhood Watch volunteer says he shot and killed the unarmed black teen Trayvon Martin in self-defense.

The jury will be sequestered throughout the trial and will remain anonymous at least for now. Judge Debra Nelson hasn't ruled on when their identities will be released.

Once jury selection is complete the trial is expected to last two to four weeks.

To see more, visit http://www.wmfe.org.

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