The Orlando committee planning the conceptual design for a memorial at the site of the Pulse nightclub massacre is asking for feedback from the public.
The permanent memorial will honor the victims, survivors and others impacted by the June 12, 2016, mass shooting that claimed 49 lives.
In lengthy meetings last month, the Pulse Memorial Advisory Committee, including family members of those killed, reviewed three design options and struggled with sensitive issues like whether and how to preserve portions of the former LGBTQIA+ nightclub.
City officials say the designs also seek to individually recognize each victim; make a safe, welcoming space; provide shade and protection from the weather; and include a survivors' tribute, according to a news release.
Before the next meeting on Dec. 12, consulting architects with Baker Barrios Architects and Catalyst Design Group will refine the conceptual plan based on committee input. The city is asking members of the public -- especially those impacted by the tragedy -- to provide feedback.
And now is the time to do so, because the conceptual plan could go to the City Council as soon as January.
Orlando has budgeted $7.5 million for design and construction.
The city has a webpage for its Memorial Engagement Process. The pages include the opportunity view and comment on design options.
Anyone wishing to review the committee’s work can also view previous meetings online.

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