Ryan Dailey
Ryan Dailey is a reporter for News Service of Florida. He previously was a reporter/producer for WFSU/Florida Public Radio.
The Florida Senate on Wednesday passed a measure that would expand last year’s “Parental Rights in Education” law — known to critics as “don’t say gay.” Gov. DeSantis is expected to sign it.
The budget is expected to be a record high for the 2023-2024 fiscal year, which will start July 1.
It comes as a similar bill, HB 999, is primed to go before the full House.
Under the proposal, public and private colleges and universities would be shielded from lawsuits stemming from campuses being shut down during the pandemic and students being forced to learn online.
The Senate Education Committee unanimously approved the measure, which includes two proposals by Democrats related to testing and letting parents choose to retain students in their current grade levels.
The president of the Florida Education Association says DeSantis "turned his back on educators in Florida."
Florida’s Presidential Electors met Monday, as did their counterparts from all other 49 states in the nation, to officially cast their votes for the 2020 election.
Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Jimmy Patronis is traveling the state visiting restaurants and their owners to push for COVID-19 liability protections for small businesses.
Florida political scientist Susan MacManus discusses the fallout of the 2020 election during an appearance at the Capital Tiger Bay Club.
Florida on Monday sent the federal government its plans for a program to import prescription medicines from Canada, aimed at lowering drug prices