Sky Lebron
Reporter/HostAs a host and reporter for WUSF, my goal is to unearth and highlight issues that wouldn’t be covered otherwise. If I truly connect with my audience as I relay to them the day’s most important stories and make them think about an issue past the point that I’ve said it in a newscast, that’s a success in my eyes.
After graduating from the University of Florida, I got my public radio start in Jacksonville working as a reporter for WJCT News. I started there at the very beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, and many of the topics I covered had to do with its influences on nearly every aspect of life.
Following my time in Jacksonville, I returned to UF and worked as the Morning Edition newscaster and a multimedia producer for their local NPR affiliate, WUFT-FM. I launched a few student-run podcasts, worked on long-form reporting, and even taught a couple of classes, while also being on-air every weekday morning.
I grew up in Hollywood in Broward County, but have now lived across different cities in the state for more than seven years. Florida just can’t get rid of me. When I’m not reporting or hosting, you can catch me broadcasting college athletics for a few schools across the state. In my down time, you might find me on a basketball court, or hanging out at home with my two cats, Faye and Jet.
This new version of the bridge is expected to have a 100-year shelf life, with wider concrete barriers. It will also have a wide multi-use path for bikers and pedestrians.
The land was bought by Pasco County in July, and was initially planned as a place to provide temporary housing for people experiencing homelessness.
While he was only with USF for one season, Abdur-Rahim made an immediate impact on campus, turning around a long-struggling program and spreading his upbeat, inspiring personality.
City officials are citing water pump and generator failures for some of the flooding.
The long lines are testing some people's patience, while others could only laugh it off as they waited up to five hours for gas.
The union members say they're suspending work as part of a strike along the East Coast and Gulf Coast until they negotiate a contract for higher wages and provisions against automated work.
After years of playing in makeshift areas, USF opened the Esports Living Lab in time for the fall semester. So far, it’s been going well.
Route 1 has 56 stops and runs from USF to downtown Tampa.
The Tampa Bay History Center has lots of maps, including one now on display from 1524 that's the first to ever show Florida.
Plans call for it to operate multiple times on Thursday to Sunday starting Nov. 1.