Podcast: Our Changing State - Season 1
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Episode 1: How housing challenges are impacting local residents
Florida’s the fastest growing state in the U.S., according to the U.S. Census Bureau, with more than 22 million people now calling this state home. Since 2010, Florida has added an average of 287,000 new residents a year. That’s made finding housing a challenge.

Episode 2: Conserving our natural environment despite growth, climate change
Wild lands and wildlife are a big part of what Floridians — both new arrivals and people who have been here for generations — love about the state. But all these people are squeezing in alongside the natural environment.

Episode 3: Imagining a future for Florida's transportation needs
You can see the signs of our growing population just by taking a drive anywhere in Florida. Whether it’s a commute that takes twice as long as it did a few years ago, the frustrating search for parking, or the chaos around road expansions, the simple fact is more people means more cars on the road.

Episode 4: Understanding Florida's cultural history then and now
How do Floridians see ourselves, how does the rest of the world see us, and how is that changing? Community members say they like the state's diversity and the infusion of new cultures old and new, as well as how the natural environment is an integral part of our identity.

Episode 5: The economics of living in Florida now
Florida's economy has been labeled white hot, with a $1.4 trillion GDP and an unemployment rate of 2.6% — nearly a percentage point below the national rate. But some Floridians may be left behind with inflation outpacing the rest of the country. And that low unemployment means some businesses are finding it hard to staff up.

Episode 6: Florida's shifting politics and the impact on its diverse residents
Florida has long been seen as a "purple" state — a place that can tip a presidential election for Democrats or Republicans. And as our population has grown, so has Florida’s political influence. The 2022 election appeared to seal Florida’s identity as a red state and a wave of polarizing policy choices have made this state something of a testing ground for an uncompromising brand of conservatism. But with a diverse and growing population, our state’s politics are more nuanced than election results might suggest.