Sustainer Membership
Sustainer Benefits
- Automatic entry into all drawings
- Annual tax receipt
- Thank you gift eligible
- No additional renewal notices
- Uninterrupted membership
- Easy and convenient
Sustainer FAQs
Q: What does it mean to be a Sustainer?
- Becoming a Sustaining member means your monthly pledge will automatically renew each year.
Q: How can I make my monthly contributions?
- Electronic fund transfer (EFT), credit/debit card, payroll deduction. Electronic fund transfer (EFT) is the preferred method because it saves WUSF/WSMR money on credit/debit card processing fees.
Q: As a Sustainer, am I entered into drawings?
- Yes, you are automatically entered into all on-air drawings offered.
Q: Am I still eligible for thank you gifts?
- Yes, when you set up your sustaining pledge, you are still eligible for thank you gifts. If during one of our on-air fundraising drives, you hear of a gift that piques your interest, please call WUSF Membership Department at 800-741-9090, or email us at
Q: Am I able to make changes to my Sustaining gift online? (change my credit card info, increase my giving amount etc.)
- Yes! You can manage your Sustainer Membership through the WUSF/WSMR Member Center (register for an account here). In the Member Center, you’ll be able to update your payment info, adjust your giving amount, request a thank you gift, and more at your convenience. If you prefer not to utilize the Member Center, please call WUSF’s Membership Department, at 800-741-9090 or email us at to make any necessary changes.
Q: How can I cancel my sustaining pledge?
- You can cancel your sustaining pledge at any time. Simply call WUSF’s Membership Department at 800-741-9090 or email and someone will be happy to assist you.
Q: Can I make an additional gift to WUSF?
- Of course, thank you! You can make a gift online here or mail a check or money order to:
WUSF Public Media
PO BOX 917134
Orlando FL, 32891-7134