The estimated error was the largest undercount of young children by any U.S. state. That's according to estimates released Thursday by the Census Bureau.
Florida's estimated 3.48% undercount was the fourth-highest rate in the country.
The once a decade count determines everything from the number of congressional seats a state gets to where federal funding goes.
The once a decade count determines everything from the number of congressional seats a state gets to where federal funding goes.
Florida keeps growing and Florida’s influence on national politics keeps growing, but could it have grown more? And as state lawmakers finish up their regular law-writing session — the politics of policies.
Florida’s population growth over the past decade has earned it a new congressional seat. The Census Bureau released statewide population data Monday afternoon.
Based on population shifts recorded by the 2020 census, Texas, Florida and North Carolina are among the states gaining representation, while California, New York and Pennsylvania are losing influence.
The justices will hear oral arguments Nov. 30, increasing the potential for Trump to try to omit unauthorized immigrants from the census numbers used to reallocate House seats during his current term.
Amid the coronavirus pandemic, the U.S. Census Bureau is trying to count every individual living in the United States: a difficult task as millions of…
About 60 percent of Florida households have responded to this year’s U.S. Census, trailing 31 other states in response rates, according to information…
The president is calling for unauthorized immigrants to be excluded from census numbers used to divide seats in Congress. The Constitution says the count must include every person living in the U.S.
To prepare for logistical challenges brought on by the pandemic, the Census Bureau has moved up the start of in-person visits to households that haven't filled out their forms.