On this episode of Florida Matters, we speak to three people with different perspectives on Florida Noir, and find out why the Sunshine State makes a great setting for shifty characters and sinister deeds.
Ellen Brown Anderson's novella "The Storm" is set in Key West after a major hurricane and tells a story of domestic life in those frontier days of Florida.
This week on a rebroadcast of The Florida Roundup, we spoke with three authors — novelist Lauren Groff, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and former Florida lawmaker Dick Batchelor about free expression, leadership and discovering civility again.
This week on The Florida Roundup, we spoke with three authors — novelist Lauren Groff, historian Doris Kearns Goodwin and former Florida lawmaker Dick Batchelor about free expression, leadership, and discovery civility again.
Sandra Gail Lambert is a prominent author living in Gainesville who writes fiction, a memoir and many personal essays about her experience as a disabled lesbian activist.
Tim Dorsey, a former Tampa Tribune reporter-turned-novelist, has died at age 62.
Training for the law, HB 1467, now says school media specialists should "err on the side of caution" if reading material aloud in a public meeting would make them uncomfortable.
Books, music, authors, food -- it's time for the 25th annual Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading. This week on Florida Matters we're talking with three of…
Books, music, authors, food -- it's time for the 25th annual Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading. This week on Florida Matters we're talking with three of…
This week on Florida matters we'll talk with three authors who will be featured during the upcoming Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading on November 11.In…
This week on Florida matters we'll talk with three authors who will be featured during the upcoming Tampa Bay Times Festival of Reading on November 11.In…
Was King's 1977 The Shining your first fictional scare? Now, after nearly 40 years, King has followed up his horror tale of a little boy and a haunted hotel with a sequel called Doctor Sleep. "I wanted to revisit Danny and see what he was like as a grown-up," King says.