The tree from India could replace much of Florida's disease-stressed citrus groves.
Officials say the Donaldson tree could offer relief to citrus growers across the state whose latest crop was the lowest since World War II.
Florida growers have struggled for years against residential and commercial development, foreign imports, changes in beverage consumption habits and, since 2005, citrus greening, an incurable bacterial disease.
The neurotoxin aldicarb is banned in about 100 countries, and is only one of 36 pesticides that the World Health Organization has called "extremely hazardous." It’s now allowed to be used on Florida oranges and grapefruits.
Florida citrus growers could save more than $11 million in taxes they pay on boxes of oranges and grapefruit under a proposed Department of Citrus budget…
The outlook for production of Florida oranges, the state's signature crop, continues to drop.For the second consecutive month, the Florida orange-harvest…