A financial donation will blaze a trail that will allow safer backcountry wayfinding for hikers.
Gov. Ron DeSantis and the Florida Cabinet on Tuesday approved spending $19 million to conserve rural land used for cattle, while also expanding a list of agricultural properties the state could help shield from residential or commercial development.
Author and photographer Kirsten Hines takes readers on a visual and narrative journey into the ecology of Florida’s animals in her latest book.
The renovated Bobby Jones facility now includes a nature park meant to help improve stormwater runoff.
Explosive growth continues to pressure Florida’s natural resources, and climate change will drive more development inland. The hope is to push back against the impact.
Peaches the flamingo was found in deep water off Florida’s Gulf Coast. Now a pair of researchers is tracking the bright-pink bird to see if wild, breeding populations may return to Florida for the first time since they went locally extinct in the early 1900s.
Florida residents own rights to decide if 5,000 acres of farmland in Charlotte, Hardee, and Highlands counties will ever be developed as part of the Rural and Family Lands program.
The crabs are drained of some of their blood and returned to the environment, yet some inevitably die. Regulators say revisions to guidelines for handling the animals should keep more alive through the process.
Florida's wild places are transforming and sometimes disappearing.
The series will shine a spotlight on the significant efforts of conservationists who are at the forefront of preserving the environment.
Stu Sjouwerman has given $2.5 million to the corridor — the latest in a string of donations to environmental and animal causes.
Groups targeted proposals that could do such things as redefine sprawl, deter citizens from challenging comprehensive land-plan amendments and prevent cities and counties from regulating wetlands.