Dogs would not be able to hang their heads out of car windows under a new bill proposed in Florida. The bill would additionally ban cat declawing and cosmetic animal testing.
Shelter officials encourage struggling pet owners to look into affordable animal medical care and free pet food pantries to help with expenses.
The establishments filed a challenge last week after a Florida Department of Health ruling prevented dogs in "dog friendly bars."
A new study based on thousands of DNA sequences and owner surveys finds that less than 10% of a dog's behavior — like howling, herding or retrieving — can be explained by its breed.
She will work at the county jail as a tracking dog. Training was expected to take another three months, and she will likely work for the sheriff’s office for at least seven years,
Lothar Weimann, 68, protested that he felt fine, failing to recognize the life-and-death stakes he was experiencing. His 7-year-old German Shepherd knew differently and alerted a neighbor.
Student-athletes at a local high school have been waking up early this summer to pick up some running companions — dogs from the Humane Society.
Doctors Hospital in Sarasota has a new line of defense against the coronavirus. Meet Buffy, a 2-year-old Labrador retriever trained to sniff out the scent emitted by a human with the disease.
If you were thinking of adopting a dog to keep you company during the coronavirus pandemic, you might want to look anywhere besides Pinellas County Animal…
If you own a rescue dog, you're probably curious about your pup's heritage. DNA kits may offer insights, but experts warn to be a little skeptical about results.
Hanging out with dogs might be good for your health. A researcher reviews the science and discusses the very real link between dog ownership and reduced risk of dying from cardiovascular disease.
People who leave dogs outside and unattended during freezing temperatures or other severe weather could face up to a year in jail or a fine of up to…