When roll call was taken, commissioners Leo Longworth, Gary Ball and Laura Simpson decided to stick with fluoride. Tanya Tucker and Mayor Trish Burdin-Pfeiffer voted no.
The county's safety and health committee took no action on fluoridation after the surgeon general's presentation to convince members to end the practice.
Several city commissioners expressed concerns about research that suggests exposure to higher levels of fluoride can cause cognitive issues in children. The city joins several other municipalities to end the practice.
There's a bill filed that would ban fluoridation statewide. On "The Florida Roundup," Melbourne's mayor and a pediatric dentist give differing views on whether the practice should continue.
Lakeland delayed a hearing over the water issue until the Bartow workshop, which presented experts on both sides. Attendees included Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo, who wants to end fluoridation.
The measure, introduced in the state Senate, includes numerous issues related to the state Department of Agriculture. Many local governments have ended fluoridation in recent months.
More than a dozen local governments in the state have voted to remove fluoride over concerns it may lead to cognitive issues in children. Similar votes will soon be on tap in Clearwater and Manatee County.
Commissioners voted to bring an ordinance on removing fluoride from the water supply at a later date. The county must also consider repairing the current fluoridation system.
The topic is on the agenda for Tuesday's meeting. If commissioners vote to follow the guidance of Florida's surgeon general, Manatee would join more than a dozen other local governments to end the practice.
The EPA didn't ensure that states submitted accurate estimates of the number of lead pipes they had. Big problems were found in data submitted by Florida and Texas.
Adding low levels of fluoride to water has long been considered one of the greatest health achievements. Now comes an analysis of previously published research that concludes a link with intelligence.
All across the University of Florida campus, people can find one consistent item: bottled water.