A pair of environmental groups concerned about 11 Florida species have sued the Trump administration
Protections on ship speeds in the Gulf were removed by the Trump administration in areas where the endangered Rice's whale is known to breed.
Eight green sea turtles stunned by the cold during a rare snowfall in North Florida have been released after being treated at Loggerhead Marinelife Center.
Four conservation groups are fighting to keep the Florida scrub jay on a federal list of threatened species. They filed to intervene in a lawsuit that could have repercussions nationwide.
"Waves of green sea turtles" were being rescued after experiencing symptoms similar to frostbite from last week's winter storm.
U.S. officials decided to extend protections to monarch butterflies after warnings from environmentalists that populations are shrinking and the beloved pollinator may not survive climate change.
The Florida grasshopper sparrow was near extinction only a few years ago. The recent release of the 1,000th captive-raised sparrow into the wild has rekindled optimism.
At least 32 of the endangered sawfish have been reported dead. The cause of their bizarre behavior remains a mystery.
Scientists say the fish kill that started in November and spread among dozens of species is unlike anything they've seen before.
Rice's whales are one of the world's newly discovered whale species – and already one of the most endangered. Protections for the whales in the Gulf of Mexico are not coming fast.
The Key deer is losing the only place it lives, raising uncomfortable questions for the people tasked with keeping endangered species alive.
Florida residents own rights to decide if 5,000 acres of farmland in Charlotte, Hardee, and Highlands counties will ever be developed as part of the Rural and Family Lands program.